
© 2022

My current list of early-stage ideas

“It doesn’t make any sense to make a key and then run around looking for a lock to open.” ~ Seth Godin

The field is wide open at this stage but I have various ideas for SaaS and SaaS-adjacent products. I am happy to share them here on the basis that writing them down helps me to think critically: ideas are cheap and execution is everything.

So without further ado:

1. Some sort of admin product or concierge service for … campsite owners

2. Some sort of pricing tool for … electricians / tradespeople

3. Some sort of remote admin service for … tradespeople

4. Some sort of recurring revenue model service for … website owners

5. Some sort of staffing/HR tool for … restaurant managers

6. Some sort of content creation machine for … website owners

7. Website builder service for … any of the above audiences


None of these ideas purports to be a solution to a validated problem, not yet. But I am working towards distilling this list into something I can run with.

The only thing (apart from recurring revenue) that the above ideas have in common is that they represent a group with which I have some small connection.

Admittedly the above is a list of keys in search of a lock (but they’re not keys I have built yet). My next (backwards?) step will be to evaluate the locks they match and see if any are particularly tempting.

NB Links to books may be contain affiliate code which earns me a minuscule sum of money should you make a purchase, so please don’t hesitate :)

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